FAIR MARKET RENT APPEALS Landlord Didn't Prove RR-1 Form Was Mailed to Tenant April 1, 2003 Apartment with Different Sized Rooms Used as Comparable April 1, 2003 Landlord Didn't Properly Complete RR-1 Form March 1, 2003 DHCR Properly Treated Rent Overcharge Complaint as Fair Market Rent Appeal March 1, 2003 Landlord Can't Submit Comparability Data During PAR February 1, 2003 Landlord Uses Rent of Comparable Apartment in Different Building February 1, 2003 DHCR Order Upheld February 1, 2003 DHCR Uses Rent of Comparable Apartment to Set Rent January 1, 2003 Landlord Can't Submit Comparability Data Permitted Under New Law December 1, 2002 Tenants Can't File November 1, 2002 DRA Used MCR for Wrong Year November 1, 2002 Higher Comparable Rent Considered November 1, 2002 first previous ... 6 7 8(current) 9 10 ... next last