BUILDING VIOLATIONS Proper Boiler Registration Not Filed April 30, 1998 Rear Exit Windows Barred by Locked Gate March 1, 1998 Two Violations Issued on Different Dates March 1, 1998 Landlord Can't Get Third Delay of Hearing February 1, 1998 Violation Notice Not Served on Employee Who Worked at Building February 1, 1998 Notice Served on Independent Contractor January 1, 1998 No Proof Landlord Didn't Maintain Plumbing System January 1, 1998 Violation Notice Given to Super Employed by Managing Agent January 1, 1998 Ongoing Elevator Defect January 1, 1998 Canopy Installed Without Permit December 1, 1997 Roof Deck Installed Without Permit November 1, 1997 Residential Occupancy Was Legal Under Loft Law November 1, 1997 first previous ... 15 16 17(current) 18 19 ... next last