ATTORNEY'S FEES Landlord Gets Fees for Nonpayment Case June 30, 1999 Tenant Gets Fees in Illegal Sublet Case June 30, 1999 Landlord Gets Hearing on Fees June 30, 1999 Landlord Can Get Fees in Nonpayment Case April 30, 1999 Fees Awarded to Landlord for Bankruptcy Case April 30, 1999 Landlord Started Multiple Cases Against Tenant April 1, 1999 New Hearing on Fees Ordered March 1, 1999 Landlord Didn't Win Nonpayment Case March 1, 1999 Tenant Gets Fees for Owner Occupancy Case March 1, 1999 Settlement Agreement Didn't Provide for Fees March 1, 1999 Right to Fees Not Included in Settlement Agreement March 1, 1999 Landlord Can't Get Fees March 1, 1999 first previous ... 23 24 25(current) 26 27 ... next last