Was Lease Signed by 17-Year-Old Valid?
LVT Number: #25646
Landlord sued two co-tenants for breaching their lease. One tenant defaulted. The other claimed that she was 17 years old when she signed the lease and therefore wasn't responsible for complying with its terms. She said she had moved out of the apartment and asked the court to dismiss the case. Landlord claimed that tenant had acted to reaffirm the lease when she turned 18. The court ruled that a trial was needed to determine the facts. An agreement signed by a minor was voidable, and there were questions as to whether tenant had moved out before she turned 18 or had taken actions to reaffirm her tenancy after she turned 18.
Parkash 242 LLC v. Gyan: Index No. 132363/09, NYLJ No. 1202659640827 (Civ. Ct. Bronx; 5/15/14; Franco, J)