Tenant Was Abusive to Building Personnel
LVT Number: 18987
Landlord sued to evict tenant for nuisance, based on objectionable conduct. Landlord and tenant had signed a settlement agreement in court that put tenant on probation for a year. Landlord later asked the court for permission to proceed with the eviction. Landlord claimed that tenant violated the agreement to refrain from nuisance conduct. After a hearing, the court ruled for landlord. Tenant appealed and lost. Landlord showed that tenant had threatened the health and safety of landlord's personnel. Tenant had verbally abused and cursed at the building's manager and super. Tenant had held up signs in front of the management office, engaged in verbal outbursts, and on one occasion the police were called. This behavior was ongoing during the first three months of tenant's probation period. The court properly ruled for landlord.
Christopher Housing Court Co. v. Murrell: NYLJ, 6/27/06, p. 30, col. 1 (App. T. 1 Dept.; McKeon, PJ, McCooe, Gangel-Jacob, JJ)