Tenant Refused Access

LVT Number: 9155

Tenant complained of reduced services, and a DHCR inspector found defective conditions in her apartment. Landlord claimed tenant had denied access for repairs, and that tenant had stated in writing that she presently didn't want the work done. But the DRA cut the rent anyway, and landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord, and revoked the rent cut. Tenant must provide reasonable access for landlord to make the repairs. The DRA had improperly ignored the access issue when ordering the rent cut.

Tenant complained of reduced services, and a DHCR inspector found defective conditions in her apartment. Landlord claimed tenant had denied access for repairs, and that tenant had stated in writing that she presently didn't want the work done. But the DRA cut the rent anyway, and landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord, and revoked the rent cut. Tenant must provide reasonable access for landlord to make the repairs. The DRA had improperly ignored the access issue when ordering the rent cut.

M&N Racolin Mgmt. Corp.: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. DH 510006-RO (8/19/94) [3-page document]


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