Tenant Owes $9,800 in Back Rent
LVT Number: 18909
Landlord sued to evict tenant for nonpayment of rent. The court ruled for landlord and found that tenant owed $9,800 in back rent. The decision was based on prior settlement agreements tenant had signed. Tenant appealed, claiming that the settlement agreements she signed in prior nonpayment cases with prior landlord weren't enforceable because she was forced into signing them. The appeals court ruled against tenant. Tenant never asked the courts in the prior cases to vacate the settlement agreements. Tenant couldn't challenge those agreements now in the current case with new landlord.
T. Equities LLC v. Brown: NYLJ, 5/22/06, p. 49, col. 5 (App. T. 2 Dept.; Golia, JP, Rios, Belen, JJ)