Receiver Appointed for Building

LVT Number: 9097

The DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for a dirty sidewalk in front of the building. Landlord argued that the violation notice was improperly issued to him because, at the time the notice was issued, a receiver had been appointed for the building. A court had barred landlord from maintaining the building. The ALJ ruled for the DOS, and landlord appealed. The ECB ruled for landlord. The court order prevented landlord from cleaning the sidewalk.

The DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for a dirty sidewalk in front of the building. Landlord argued that the violation notice was improperly issued to him because, at the time the notice was issued, a receiver had been appointed for the building. A court had barred landlord from maintaining the building. The ALJ ruled for the DOS, and landlord appealed. The ECB ruled for landlord. The court order prevented landlord from cleaning the sidewalk.

City of New York v. Bentley Properties, Ltd.: ECB App. Nos. 15013–15 (3/16/94) [2-page document]


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