Oil Burning Equipment Not Installed by Licensed Installer

LVT Number: 11493

DOB issued a violation notice to landlord because fuel oil burning equipment was installed by a nonlicensed installer. The ALJ found that the fuel oil tanks were installed by prior landlord and dismissed violation. DOB appealed, claiming that current landlord was still responsible because under the City Administrative Code, landlord was responsible at all times for safely maintaining the building. ECB ruled against DOB. Landlord wasn't cited for not maintaining the building. The Administrative Code section DOB claimed landlord had violated was for not using a licensed installer.

DOB issued a violation notice to landlord because fuel oil burning equipment was installed by a nonlicensed installer. The ALJ found that the fuel oil tanks were installed by prior landlord and dismissed violation. DOB appealed, claiming that current landlord was still responsible because under the City Administrative Code, landlord was responsible at all times for safely maintaining the building. ECB ruled against DOB. Landlord wasn't cited for not maintaining the building. The Administrative Code section DOB claimed landlord had violated was for not using a licensed installer. This applied only to the prior landlord who supervised the installation.

Luz: ECB App. No. 21097 (9/25/96) [2-page document]


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