Nonrenewal Notice to Corporate Tenant Not Defective
LVT Number: 11363
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized corporate tenant for nonprimary residence. Tenant claimed landlord's nonrenewal notice was defective because it listed her personal name rather than corporate tenant's name. The court ruled for tenant and dismissed the case. Landlord appealed. The appeals court ruled for landlord and reopened the case. The defect in landlord's nonrenewal notice was minor. Landlord's notice stated the nature of its claim and the facts necessary to establish the existence of reasons for eviction. And the real issue in the case was the primary residence of the individual corporate officer who occupied the apartment.
Spitzer v. Nancy J. Schneider Ltd.: NYLJ, p. 25, col. 2 (3/11/97) (App. T. 1 Dept.; Ostrau, PJ, Parness, McCooe, JJ)