No Rent Hike for TV Security System Not Monitored 24/7
LVT Number: #26987
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on installation of a new burner, roof, security system, entrance door, and an elevator upgrade. The DRO ruled for landlord. Tenants appealed and won, in part. The DHCR agreed with tenants that the new security system didn’t qualify as an MCI. It is DHCR policy that, in order to qualify as an MCI, a television security system must be monitored on a 24-hour basis. A television security system not associated with an intercom, and which merely records activities but is not monitored on a continuous basis, doesn’t qualify. In this case, tenants showed that the building super would be physically unable to monitor the security cameras on a 24-hour basis, since at times he would either be performing his primary duties or sleeping. After disqualifying that improvement, the monthly per-room rent increase was reduced from $14.04 to $13.70 per room. [For PDF of DHCR decision, click here.]
McGhee: DHCR Adm. Rev. Docket No. YB210071RT (3/10/16) [3-pg. doc.]
YB210071RT.pdf | 1.23 MB |