Missing Mirrors
LVT Number: 11691
Tenant complained of a reduction in building-wide services because convex mirrors were missing on all floors. Tenant claimed that removal of these mirrors from corners near his apartment and elsewhere created a hazard. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced his rent. Landlord appealed, claiming that she'd installed the mirrors for one commercial tenant and then tried them out on other floors as a test. They were stolen within months. Landlord found that the test was a failure and didn't reinstall the mirrors. The DHCR ruled against landlord. Once landlord installed the mirrors, the mirrors became a required service under rent control and rent stabilization.
Sakow: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. ID630192RO (3/27/97) [2-page document]
ID630192RO.pdf | 139.98 KB |