Landlord's Parapet Repair Work Didn't Qualify as MCI

LVT Number: #28476

The DRA denied landlord's MCI rent increase application, finding that repairs to balusters, cornices, dentils, and coping stones were repair and maintenance work, not major capital improvements. Landlord appealed and lost. Work was performed only at the building's front facade, mainly at the front facade parapet and adjoining area. No work was done on any of the three other exposed sides of the building. And partial replacement of a parapet doesn't qualify as an MCI.

The DRA denied landlord's MCI rent increase application, finding that repairs to balusters, cornices, dentils, and coping stones were repair and maintenance work, not major capital improvements. Landlord appealed and lost. Work was performed only at the building's front facade, mainly at the front facade parapet and adjoining area. No work was done on any of the three other exposed sides of the building. And partial replacement of a parapet doesn't qualify as an MCI. The work performed consisted only of repair and replacement of portions of front facade parapet, rather than complete replacement of the front facade parapet.

9037 Realty LLC: DHCR Adm. Rev. Docket No. DQ130032RO (4/20/18) [2-pg. doc.]


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