Landlord Fined $10,000 for Maintaining Outdoor Advertising Sign on Residential Building
LVT Number: #27359
DOB issued a violation notice to landlord for having an outdoor advertising sign painted on the side of its residential building. DOB said this was a zoning violation. Landlord claimed that the sign was “grandfathered” as a non-conforming use because a large advertising sign had been placed on the building since 1941, and that DOB had issued permits for a sign in 1941 and again in 1981. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined it $10,000. Landlord appealed and lost for the same reasons stated in a separate violation concerning the sign, which was now subject of an Article 78 appeal by landlord.
Astoria Landing, Inc.: ECB App. No. 1600675 (8/25/16)