Landlord Entitled to More Time to Prove Building Registration Filed

LVT Number: 15010

Landlord sued to evict tenant. At the start of the trial, landlord didn't have a current multiple dwelling registration for the building. Landlord asked for a half-hour delay to get the current MDR. The court denied landlord's request and dismissed the case. Landlord appealed and won. Landlord told the court that the MDR was being updated and someone was on their way to court with the current document. The court should have permitted landlord to present that proof, rather than dismiss the case.

Landlord sued to evict tenant. At the start of the trial, landlord didn't have a current multiple dwelling registration for the building. Landlord asked for a half-hour delay to get the current MDR. The court denied landlord's request and dismissed the case. Landlord appealed and won. Landlord told the court that the MDR was being updated and someone was on their way to court with the current document. The court should have permitted landlord to present that proof, rather than dismiss the case.

14 Morningside Ave. HDFC v. Murray: NYLJ, 5/31/01, p. 19, col. 5 (App. T.1 Dept.; McCooe, JP, Gangel-Jacob, Suarez, JJ)