Landlord Doesn't Sweep on Religious Sabbath

LVT Number: 8107

The DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not sweeping 18 inches into the street. The notice was issued on a Saturday. Landlord claimed that he swept in front of the building daily---except on Saturday, which was his religious Sabbath day. The ALJ took this into consideration, but fined landlord $50 anyway. Landlord appealed, and the ECB ruled against him. The right to exercise one's religious freedom isn't absolute. The city doesn't issue violation notices to offices closed for a religious Sabbath.

The DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not sweeping 18 inches into the street. The notice was issued on a Saturday. Landlord claimed that he swept in front of the building daily---except on Saturday, which was his religious Sabbath day. The ALJ took this into consideration, but fined landlord $50 anyway. Landlord appealed, and the ECB ruled against him. The right to exercise one's religious freedom isn't absolute. The city doesn't issue violation notices to offices closed for a religious Sabbath. But, landlord still had to keep the street clean in front of the residential building he owned.

City of New York v. Werbel: ECB App. No. 10665 (10/28/92) [2-page document]


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