Inadequate Hot Water in One Apartment

LVT Number: 11133

Tenant complained of a reduction in services. He claimed that hot water was inadequate in his apartment because landlord had removed laundry facilities from the basement. So other tenants had installed washing machines in their apartments, putting a strain on the hot water supply. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced his rent. The DRA also reduced rents for all rent-controlled tenants in the building. Landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord in part. An inspection showed that hot water temperature was adequate in tenant's kitchen but not in the bathroom.

Tenant complained of a reduction in services. He claimed that hot water was inadequate in his apartment because landlord had removed laundry facilities from the basement. So other tenants had installed washing machines in their apartments, putting a strain on the hot water supply. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced his rent. The DRA also reduced rents for all rent-controlled tenants in the building. Landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord in part. An inspection showed that hot water temperature was adequate in tenant's kitchen but not in the bathroom. So it was proper to reduce tenant's rent for inadequate hot water. But there was no proof of inadequate hot water in any other apartment. So this wasn't a proper basis for reducing other tenants' rents. There was also insufficient proof that landlord had previously provided or discontinued laundry room service. Rent reductions on this basis were revoked, and the issue was sent back to the DRA for further investigation of the facts.

Esco Assocs.: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. IC130280RO (9/30/96) [4-page document]


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