Good Cause Not Required to Terminate Section 8 Tenancy
LVT Number: #20096
Landlord sued to evict tenant from a project-based Section 8 building after sending tenant a 30-day termination notice. Tenant claimed that landlord must show good cause for terminating her tenancy and asked the court to dismiss the case. The court ruled for landlord. Tenant appealed and lost. Tenant's lease stated that good cause for termination of tenancy must be shown if the tenancy was terminated during the term of the lease. Since tenant's lease had expired and tenant then became a month-to-month tenant, no showing of good cause was required.
Rosina v. Parra: NYLJ, 12/12/07, p. 34, col. 1 (App. T. 2 Dept.; Rudolph, PJ, McCabe, Tanenbaum, JJ)