Garbage Swept into Center of Street

LVT Number: 8182

The DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not cleaning 18 inches into the street. Landlord claimed that all debris was swept out from the curb area, but blew back before being picked up by the Sanitation Department sweeper. The ALJ ruled against landlord, and fined him $50. Landlord appealed, and the ECB again ruled against landlord. Landlord should have removed and disposed of the litter. It wasn't enough to sweep it out to the center of the street.

The DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not cleaning 18 inches into the street. Landlord claimed that all debris was swept out from the curb area, but blew back before being picked up by the Sanitation Department sweeper. The ALJ ruled against landlord, and fined him $50. Landlord appealed, and the ECB again ruled against landlord. Landlord should have removed and disposed of the litter. It wasn't enough to sweep it out to the center of the street.

City of New York v. Warshawsky: ECB App. No. 12426 (6/24/92) [1-page document]


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