Eviction Proceeding Dismissed After DHCR Grants Occupant Succession Rights

LVT Number: #33205

Landlord sued to evict apartment occupant based on now deceased tenant's failure to renew her rent-stabilized lease. Occupant claimed succession rights and the court stayed the eviction case pending the DHCR's ruling on occupant's complaint to the DHCR based on the succession claim. The court later dismissed the eviction proceeding after the DHCR issued a decision in occupant's favor that granted succession rights. 

Landlord sued to evict apartment occupant based on now deceased tenant's failure to renew her rent-stabilized lease. Occupant claimed succession rights and the court stayed the eviction case pending the DHCR's ruling on occupant's complaint to the DHCR based on the succession claim. The court later dismissed the eviction proceeding after the DHCR issued a decision in occupant's favor that granted succession rights. 

89-21 v. Rosario: Index No. 52556/2018, NYLJ 4/2/24, p. 17, col. 1 (Civ. Ct. Queens; 3/26/24; Nembhard, J)