Court Temporarily Suspends NYC Water Bill Rebate

LVT Number: #27090

Landlords sued the NYC Water Board after the board approved a one-time $183 credit for 664,000 owners of one-, two-, and three-family dwellings. With this rebate, the board increased charges for owners of apartment houses and co-op and condo buildings.

Landlords sued the NYC Water Board after the board approved a one-time $183 credit for 664,000 owners of one-, two-, and three-family dwellings. With this rebate, the board increased charges for owners of apartment houses and co-op and condo buildings. Landlords claimed that the board overstepped its authority and violated the state Public Authorities Law because owners of apartment houses and co-op and condo buildings paid a disproportionate amount of the cost of supplying water services in the city.  The court granted landlords’ request for a temporary suspension of the water bill rebate until at least a scheduled hearing to be held in the near future.






Prometheus Realty v. NYC Water Board: Index No. 653003/2016 (Sup. Ct. NY; 6/9/16; Edmead, J)