Co-Op Corporation and Neighboring Tenant Joined in Proceeding

LVT Number: 9354

(Decision submitted by Anthony Cornicello of the Manhattan law firm of Fromme Fromme & Schwartz, attorneys for the landlord). Rent-stabilized tenant sued landlord co-op shareholder to correct a leak in her apartment. Landlord asked the court to add both the co-op corporation and tenant of the adjoining apartment to the proceeding. The court agreed. The co-op corporation might be responsible for some of the repairs, and might need access to the apartment above tenant's apartment to do the work.

(Decision submitted by Anthony Cornicello of the Manhattan law firm of Fromme Fromme & Schwartz, attorneys for the landlord). Rent-stabilized tenant sued landlord co-op shareholder to correct a leak in her apartment. Landlord asked the court to add both the co-op corporation and tenant of the adjoining apartment to the proceeding. The court agreed. The co-op corporation might be responsible for some of the repairs, and might need access to the apartment above tenant's apartment to do the work.

Katzev v. Darwood Mgmt.: L&T Index No. 001006/94 (12/6/94) (Civil Ct. NY; Wendt, J) [2-page document]


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