Apartment Modernizations Not Performed in Workmanlike Manner

LVT Number: #20957

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes. The DRA granted rent increases for hallway windows, but denied any increase for repiping and bathroom and kitchen modernization. Landlord appealed and lost. Tenants complained about how the apartment improvements were done. The DHCR inspection showed that walls were only partially tiled in four apartments. In two apartments, medicine cabinet mirrors were defective. In one apartment, there was a cracked ceiling. In two apartments, there were no shower doors.

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes. The DRA granted rent increases for hallway windows, but denied any increase for repiping and bathroom and kitchen modernization. Landlord appealed and lost. Tenants complained about how the apartment improvements were done. The DHCR inspection showed that walls were only partially tiled in four apartments. In two apartments, medicine cabinet mirrors were defective. In one apartment, there was a cracked ceiling. In two apartments, there were no shower doors. In another apartment, the ceiling above the tub was leaking and the caulking around the tub was defective. A lower cabinet in one apartment wasn't secured, and the floor below it needed repair. Toilet plumbing was leaking in another apartment. And riser pipe plates weren't secured in any of the apartments. The work clearly wasn't done in a workmanlike manner, and landlord didn't make any repairs before the DRA issued its order.

111 East 167th Street: DHCR Adm. Rev. Docket No. VH610022RO (9/3/08) [3-pg. doc.


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